Hey there!
Yeayyyy!!! At last it is semester break for 2 weeks.
After so long staying in the school, reaching home is the best bit ever.
Feeling like I am the one who is very strange right now with the new Teluk Intan surroundings.
Yes, so long in Taiping since the last BBM.
However, these 15 days should make me happy!
Yeah! After so much things I've faced, at last its time for me to relax, coo and take new spirits after all of this.
So long since I wrote the last entry, more stories and experiences to be shared, but time moves too fast for me to wrote all those memories and stories.
Well, here are some photos captured last few days.
Have a look!
Mostly taken on the SERATAS Teachers' Day vacation...
Astro turf! |
Floormate, classmate. |
When camera is on the hand, what should be waiting for? Just pose and snap! |
Having a short shooting near the hostel, before going back. |
The card of Hari Guru for our batch teacher, Cikgu Noh. |
Our ummi! |
Unbellievable reaction. Hehe |
With my hockey mate, story mate, and everything, sayang awak, Shira! |
I heart them! Maximus 31 |
Our penyelaras batch, Cikgu Noh :) |
Together we unite. |
Aisyah Ramlan with our Ummi! |
SERATAS build the leadership quality and I wish to be one of them. |
When tiredness sitting beside me. |
Him :) |
Books are life. Live your life in the books. |
When we were in the hall for Sambutan Hari Guru. |
What you think? |
A snap after waking up from the evening sleep. |
With Fathinah. Banders. |
Little snapshot. |
"If I can be leader. " |
Just a little crunchy :) |
Hockey is my life :)
So, after months without blog, at last I come to write what I feel and what I wish here.
Accept my returns. Hello blog!
Just this for now, need to go and see you later!
Wassalam :)