So, long time no see kan?
Yes, I really miss to write here <3
Hurm, so about 2 months this blog was untyped.
But today, yeah, Alhamdulillah...
I've much time to write here.
Hurm, many stories to share, long journey to be told.
But yeah, the time isn't for me :(
I mean for us.
However, I can say that my life is totally stucked with love.
Yes, again love'
Ntah, I'm loving 3 persons in one time.
But yeah, LOVE vs STUDY.
But yeah, LOVE vs STUDY.
I've try hardly to find for the real love,
The love's creator, ALLAH <3
In the time being, I feel like I'm better than before, when Al-Quran is always in my heart.
Yes. Al-quran.
Hurm, by the way I want to say that more longer I live here,
The more challenges come to me and..... I?
I'm just patient and try to solve the problems smartly and possitively.
But sometimes, yeah I am also weak to go through all the problems.
My strengh decreased.
But, I thanked to Allah because altough I'm in low, there's some buddies that non-stop giving me new inspirations...
But, I thanked to Allah because altough I'm in low, there's some buddies that non-stop giving me new inspirations...
Hurm. By the time also, I try to motivate people around me.
Yes, I love motivating, because I'm also motivating myself :)
I've given them some strengh and some tips or some ways about how can I adapt myself here, in SERATAS.
Alhamdulillah, one of them got it, and I know, she's stronger now.
After the latest BBM, yeah...
I feel that I always near Allah.
My empty heart is always feel with Allah's love...
Ya Allah....
I can face my problems smartly.
Yes, Farhan can!
Insya-allah :)
So, what more that I want to say?
Ouh yeah! Next week, 20th July, I will BBM again to celbrate the first day Ramadhan :D
So, here I want to say,
" Selamat menyambut bulan Ramadhan yang semakin tiba, semoga kita dapat berjumpa dengan Ramadhan ini dan seterusnya , Insya-Allah. Hurm, selamat melakukan amal kebajikan yang banyak dengan hati yang ikhlas, Insya-Allah. Semoga kita semua mendapat keberkatan dalam bulan ini... Amiin :-) Salam Ramadhan "
So, I think just that I want to say...
Wassalam :)
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