Haaa, before aku tulis panjang2, a big thanks to my dearest friend, Fahmi, for upgrading my blg. Aku tak mampu. Haha. Thanks kawan, sebab sudi tolong. More updates aku akan try buat. So, for this time being tak ada lagi lagu. Aku ingat nak letak SCM Music Player but, kena tengok tutor. Tak mengapalah kalau macam tu. Kalau line okay baru aku try tengok. So, enjoy lah without music keyh. Haha
So, this is just a little bit of my sooo long holiday till I feel too bored. Hurm. I don't go for a long holiday with my family, just spending my time with the dearest laptop, phone, BOOKS, and just a big thanked to MR. GUITAR. Woah, it just make me sense. Haha. Without it, my life will be too bored. TOOO.
So, last week I think, *so lazy to check up the calender* I had my 'kruk3' holiday in Pangkor. Hurm, it is just because of my father's company family day. Kalau tak, tak pergi mana-mana lah aku. Hurm, so it was just not too nice, not too bad. But I really-really tired cause I spent too much of my time with the pool. Haha. Swimming? I think this is my first since the last time when I was 10 or 11 years old. Oh, really2 miss. I'm not pro about simming and so on, but once I get into the pool, I tried myself to swim, without no one helping and, all the risks is on my shoulder. Hurm, ala it was just too awesome, but a little bit boring cause I had no one to talk with in the pool, no one to teach me better. Fell like to cry because my dad wasn't in the pool too. But he watched me! Just by the poolside. Oh, like seriously? Maigott. Haha.
So, that was just a moment that I can't ever forget for my holiday 2012! The most time I was there, playing beach side games, opss, I mean, watching! Hurrr, so sad. I can't even join the game because my parents wanna back room early cause my father was too tired playing beach football. Haha. So, hurm. What to do some more? Just lepaking, online, twittering, .. Hurm. Then get ready for the dinner.. And, then.. Balik bilik. Hah! By the way. Haha. That night I went up on the stage you know!! Haha. Received a great present for my UPSR achievement from my fathers company. Gotta a cert, and RM 200 cheque! Written "to: Nur Farhan binti Hasbullah" Ohh!!!! Crazy man. For the first time I got a cheque. Haha.
So, that was the only memory that I want to remember maybe, hurm. AWSA gather, 12/12/12 haritu... Awesome lah jugak, sempat buat video trio lagu Aku suka dia. Upload You-tube ohh. Haha. Nanti I give the link :P
What's more? Hah, 12/12/12 tu jugak Fairuz dengan Aina tidur rumah aku, what a great thing and memory, sangat syokk. Aku tertidur tengok movie, then they did the same too! Diorang letak lappy kat kaki aku. Memang kena tendang ah. Haha. Nasib aku sedar weh!! Kalau, hancus. Haha. Memorable, nice, great, awesome! Yeah, sayangg korang :D
What's more? Hurm, ntah. Itu je lah kot. Lain2 tu, just ordinary things.. Hurm.
Okay, layan gambar erk. Haha.
Chikiba penat ohh, balik Pangkor :) |
Sampai sudah!!! |
Oh, saya tak cantik pun. Tapi tak salhkan saya nak bergambar? :P |
Banana boat. Aku teringin nak naik daripada dulu lagi, tapi tak pernah kesampaian. |
My super dupper HERO :D BABA. |
My mom. |
And this is my family. Yayaya, aku anak tunggal. |
FAS Production :) |
My lovely guitar, and I love it soooooo much. Thanks for always be there with me :P |
Haha. Sahaja ja upload gambar ni kan, kenangan with teacher 'Akma :) |
Hah! Ni time aku balik untuk penyampaian hadiah haritu. Muka penat right? Memang pun. Mana tak gila. Memang hur, gila2 penat lah! Haha. |
Stick ladies. Sayang mereka. |
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What? Saje je upload gambar ni kan. Haha. Proud to be on of them! Go ladies! |
THIS IS MY 2012. SERATAS brings new shine, Insya-allah I'll make people proud with it!
Jadi, sekian sahaja lah entri ni untuk semua. Hurm.
Nak buat entry for SERATAS ladies pulak :)
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