In the name of Allah the most gracious and most merciful...
"Mana tudung labuh? Asal dah lama tak nampak kau pakai? "
"Pa'an, sejak bila kau pandai jumpa lelaki ni? "
" Weh, kawal sikit. Tahun lepas kau takda pun macam ni... "
Those are things that I usually heard by my friends. Yeah, I know that my first month a little bit rare, cause I'm too blank and lost. Still searching for the right thing to do.
Hurm. My tudung labuh? Deep inside in my heart, no one knows that I really miss my tudung labuh that I usually wear at school. But lately, since entering 2013, I'm just wearing the black sarung scarf, easier and faster for me to move.
Argh. Crush has changed my life a little bit. Hurm, not too much but there's a little. How can I say eh? Its just like a storm, stormed faster than everything. I text him and we met. We are just friends, he usually share his problems with me and same thing going on me. So? Does it mean he should know that fact? No. We met just as friends. That's all. But perceptions' of people were too much. I can't deny it at all.
So, whats next?
This year, I really-really want to say sorry for those seniors, but seriously I miss batch 27. Batch 28 was a little bit cruel, hypocrite, and so on. I'm not neglecting them at all. They were kind and awesome for a some time. But I can admit, what they have set for us were just like stupid things to do! Huh. Form 2 were used by form 1.. Its not like we cannot do works, but why they can easily force us to do their works and so on? We can't open our mouths anymore, if we want to ask form 1 to do our works, they will report to their sisters in form 4. Form 3 usually back-up ing the form 1s. Batch 31 is awesome and nice, we can do what you want. But please batch 32, respect us.
There were too many things that we, a batch satisfied with the new rules and systems. But what to do and what to dare, they were seniors. Respect is just, easy... NUMBER ONE! Okay?
2013 makes me know what I want, better than last year. This year I surrender, I don't want to help people too much cause last year I was a little bad because I don't listen what does my life need. This year, I can adapt myself to be with people, and not too care of people, and go on thinking and solving my own problems. Hey, its not that I don't care about people, but I'm decreasing my level of care. Cehwah! Haha.
So, my studies? So far it is nice and a little bit tough but sooner I understood the thing. Especially Science and History. I do love History, so by hook or by crook, I will try to remember all the date, and so on. Science? Sometimes I'm litlle bit fed up till I slept in the class but I don;t know when and how, my heart suddenly opened to revise Science. But there are two subjects that I couldn't understand at all. This matter happens when I feel like uncomfortable to study with Ustazah Hasmat, Pendidikan Agama Islam and too much jokes with Cikgu Hamidi. Hurm, anway I will hardly try to revise and understand again all the topics. Fuhh. But the most interesting this year are, KH with Cikgu Noh and History with Cikgu Sazni Aida :)
Hockey? Yeah. I'm better now. I'm training with the seniors and the thing is, I can learn some tactics to tackle, defend and dribble. Isn't awesome? Right? Haha. After this week of holiday of Chinese New Year, I think there will be held Zon Utara SBP a week after the reopening school! I am just hoping that I could follow the team to IGop. Never mind if I am not the player, just a bag keeper, never mind. I just want to watch how they played. Yes. Hurm. Ameen :) Pray for the ladies and venom for the success in Zon Utara and continuing the journey to Kebangsaan :D Ameen!
Haaaa, the last is. My birthday, 20th January 2013. It was on the Saturday. And guess what? I thought that I wouldn't be prank in the late free night as it was on Sunday night. But! My dorm mates prank me on Sunday evening. Fuh, they continued prank me, firstly with the cake, then chasing me all over the floor, then they put two pails of water on me with the cake all over my clothes, then they stole my towel till I cried *but they don;t know. haha. But this year's birthday event was awesome, and thanks for the cards which was given by my dorm mates and 2 Zuhrah (not my class)... 2 Zuhrah mostly were from 1 Suria. 1 Suria really know me and we acted like family. And seriously I am missing 1 Suria, and a little bit hating the 2 Utarid guys. They are too annoying! Anyway, thanks for all the wishes and the pranks. Thanks. Thank you very-very-very much! I love you all damn much.
Triginta Populus started to feel the harmony living in a family. Insya-allah I will try to make the best family each of us. I love them sooo much especially for the Triginta Populus' princess! Yeah :) I love-I love-I Love youuuu!!!!! May ALLAH grace our friendship till Jannah, Insya-allah. Uhibukifillah abadan abada.
So I think this is a long entry for my first month. So, till we meet in the next entry, Insya-allah!
Stop dreaming for useless things and start working for the precious future!
Here some pictures of my January 2013.
Pa'an sayang Kechik sangat-sangat. May our friendship last forever :) Floor mate! |
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Eating Strawberry Tube. Our random food. Haha |
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My floor mate and dorm mate, Dira and Adawiyah |
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Heeeee :D |
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What?!?!?!?! |
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We are floor mate!! G 3-3!! |
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We are dorm mate yaw! |
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Innocent face =P |
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Woah! |
The real me, I'm not wearing specs okay! |
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Ini semua POYO! |
SPScience! Copy and Paste! |
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Malam orientasi Tingkatan 4 |
Lepaking with them were too awesome. Love them :) |
When a girl starts doing something useless? |
Ayam/ Uban. The perfect on duty to take care of our class during the teacher was not in. |
I believe, I'm the one of them. Insya-allah. May Allah lead. |
With Dina Ilyana! |
Sometimes I just have this little recorder to relax my mind. |
Sekian, Jazakallah.
Chau dulu, wassalam.
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