Assalamualaikum ^.^
So, by the time...
People sometimes have forgotten their real mission in life.
What they want and what they dream are always different and ways to achieve both of them are also different. But, the are connecting!
Hurm, for me I've set the real mission in my life which is...
:: Syurga ::
To grab what I've set, I need to work harder and istiqamah. Yeah.
Upssssss! Sorry, but its not that what I want to tell.
It is about my mission.
But this is my ambition ...
Hurm, when I'm growing up, I know to achieve something we need to work hard and harder for it. And yet, to be a motivator, we need many experiences and hurm, yeah. EXPERIENCE!
When I was a little kid, I wish that I could be a physiotherapist. *tukang urut* But, soon my interest in that particular work was decreased and my next ambition is to be an ACCOUNTANT. I do love Mathematics very much. I do love numbers and calculations. Hurm, nice, I think. But seriously, when I'm growing up bigger around standard 5-6, I started to know that I love to think. I usually think what is going to be in future and so on.
And by my skills that I need to sharpened them more, this ambition, I really2 can grab it!
I can talk *but my talking skills is decreasing because of the 's' *
I can help people, I can be friendly and many more. Hurm, yeah!
If one day, I couldn't be a motivator, its okay for me to be a lecturer. Haha.
But, somebody told me that I can be a motivator one day! That's what make me more confident and I know I can! Yes. Haha.
Thanks kakak and adik for supporting me. Haha.
She told me, "Farhan, nanti kalau dah belajar nak jadi motivator, amiklah sampai PhD, nanti dapatlah gelaran 'dr' " Haha. Okay girl, if my fate was written to be like what u said, it may be :) But I know, we study is not because the 'pangkat' but we study is because of Allah. How much knowledge I have and studied, I know Allah's is the best and the greatest.
Erm anyway, it is very hard to achieve something without working harder and harder right? Haha. Yes, I know, I've to work harder :)
Disebabkan aku memang tak minat pelajaran kat sekolah, aku rasa ada baiknya aku jadi motivator, sebab course ni melibatkan semua aspek kehidupan. Yeah, I like to know more about life. 4 huruf, 1 perkataan. Pendek je, tapi sangat bermaknak "L.I.F.E." Ntah, memang aku macam ni. Aku takdelah suka mana BM tu. BI tu suka lah jugak, Sains mmg aku lemah. Maths aku suka! Sejarah xdelah hebat mana, Agama boleh lah, KH hampeh. huhu. Geo kureng banyak. haha. Boleh dikatakan semua subjek yang ada kat sekolah tu, aku takdelah hebat dan terror mana, tapi boleh lah kot kalau nak test tu. haha. Kalau kat sekolah tu ada subjek "KEHIDUPAN" kan best, subjek tu ajar kita kenapa orang marah, tension bla3. Hurm. Yeah :)
Anyway, doakan ambition aku ni menjadi tau! Haha, its a long way more to go <3
Pray the best for me yeah :)
Got to go,
Wassalam :)
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