....بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

"Seandainya aku mati, aku relakan penulisan aku ini menjadi sebuah kenangan aku di dunia ini bersama orang yang aku sayang, bersama pengalaman yang aku lalui, bersama pendapat yang aku kemukakan. Ku abadikan segalanya disini. Inilah perjalanan hidupku. Doakanlah aku tenang disana. Ampunkan segala khilafku semasa aku di dunia yang bersifat sementara ini. Pesanku, teruslah bangun untuk ummah ini...."

Disclaimer: Sebarang 'Copy and Paste' perlu diberitahu terlebih dahulu

Monday, December 30, 2013


Assalamualaikum ^,^

So, tak lama lagi 2014.
A new year must have a new resolution kan?

But I remembered a thing from him..
Every time masuk new year.
I asked him, "Weh, apa azam kau tahun depan ni? "
He answered me, " Aku azam aku dari awal Muharram haritu lagi. "

Haha. Benda ni aku ingat sampai sekarang.

Okay stop it.

I'll make sure that it will be a year where I can accomplish everything I do.
I may be fail, but success is always there.
With efforts, Insya-allah.
Kalau gagal pun sekurang-kurangnya kita tahu yang kita dah buat sehabis baik kita.
Rezeki Allah itu sentiasa ada bukan?

Jadi, perancangan tahun ni I've planned nicely.
Mission and target dah di set.

Study, hockey, debate, segala sampingan semua.


I'll do my best for my family, my school and the most important thing is, MYSELF.

SERATAS Ladies need to accomplish the target. MUST!
So we have to fight.

Aku mengaku, haritu masa Open Hockey Tournament USM tu, aku tak main all out pun. Sebab aku hilang semangat. Ntah. Tapi aku memang rasa x nak menang. Itu sebab kalah. Haha. Takdelah aku nak kalah. Aku just macam nak bertahan je. Tak nak score. Bengong kan? Haha.

Takpe2. Itu dulu punya cerita. Ni masa depan ni.

Yang penting.....

Azfar selalu cakap.


So, yang penting kita fokus dnegan apa yang sedang kita lakukan.

Waktu belajar jangan main-main.
Sebab kita takkan belajar pada waktu kita main.
Waktu tidur kita tidur.
Kalau tidak kita tidur waktu belajar.
Betul? Yes..!

So, apa tunggu lagi?
Tetapkan misi.


Ikhlaskan niat bagi misi kita tu kerana Allah.
Misi yang dapat membangunkan Ummah.
Misi yang dapat mengeratkan lagi ukhuwah.
Misi yang dapat menyedarkan Ummat bahawa duniawi hanyalah asas yang jika tidak dikawal, dapat membawa pemikiran ummah kita semakin jauh dari syurga :)

Jangan biarkan dunia meracuni pemikiran kita.

Jadi... Apa lagi nak type?

Hah. Last.

Lagu blog ni.
Dah berubah. Hooyeah. Haha.

Bosan lagu sedih2.
Kita move on okay.

Jumpa next entry.

Got to go.
Assalamualaikum :)))

Thursday, December 19, 2013


Heyya :)

Tergerak hati nak menulis blog, selepas sahaja menamatkan penontonan filem Setia Hujung Nyawa Episod 28!

Jeyeah! Haha.

So. Pilot?
Yes, here I admit that I love to fly. I love being in the plane.
Wanna know something?
When I'm stress, I will always look up to the sky.
Especially at night.
Why? Because, I'll search for any plane that is flying highhhhhhh up the sky...
I wish that I could go where the plane will take me to.
I think of releasing tension at a place where I can sit alone, and think of my problems...
Well, I really love a peacefulness.


The plane will fly high up the sky, being the friend to those stars and the moon...

Everytime I met my uncle in Sabak Bernam, he always ask me what I gonna be in the future, what is my ambition...
I said that I may be a motivator?
Then he said that its better for me to be a pilot.
Haha. Pilot?
I wish that my husband would be that.
But ME?

I said to mom, why not being a pilot? Then mom said,
"Being a pilot is not the wrong. The wrong is... How can you take care of your family once you're married? "

It is a killer question.
I would not mind of what I'll be.
I'm just following the flow.
I'll do my best for what I'm doing.
Although I need to be even a HOUSEWIFE :)
Why not?

Being pilot.
Smart, fly, intelligent, go to other places...
Woah!! It is just too wonderful =D

However, I am just fine with any works in the future insya-allah...
I don't know what am I dreaming to be right now..
But I'm still searching.
But for sure, I will not take Medic!

I am now busy of trying to have skills on being a LEADER.
Yes. A leader that is flexible in doing anything...
I'm a Dai'e that have much works to do more!

Pray for my future!
Got to go now...
See you soon, Insya-allah.

I'll write what I feel...

" Great articles came from a great writer... "

Sekian, Jazakallah...
Pilot to be!!
Insya-allah :)

Being tough although its hard. But Allah is always here :)

Who said that only men that could be a pilot?


"Flying high up the sky, bringing all my heart, searching you... "

Anyway.. There are many more things to think of being a pilot. Many commitments and responsibilities.. I will not being hypocrite, thinking of my own life. I need to think of others. My family, my friends.. And the most important thing is, MY MEMORIES....