....بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

"Seandainya aku mati, aku relakan penulisan aku ini menjadi sebuah kenangan aku di dunia ini bersama orang yang aku sayang, bersama pengalaman yang aku lalui, bersama pendapat yang aku kemukakan. Ku abadikan segalanya disini. Inilah perjalanan hidupku. Doakanlah aku tenang disana. Ampunkan segala khilafku semasa aku di dunia yang bersifat sementara ini. Pesanku, teruslah bangun untuk ummah ini...."

Disclaimer: Sebarang 'Copy and Paste' perlu diberitahu terlebih dahulu

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Adulting is hard.


Since the last time I publish an entry here, it was so hectic. During that time, I was still a student doing her assignments. Fresh university student. So, currently, I have finished my degree and waiting for the graduation ceremony end of this November. 

22 years old is hard and tough. 2021 made me struggle hard and change me. People who used to be around and supports, currently are not. Unreliable and no more supportive. Only a few of them who still here and stayed. From uncountable friends to countable close friends, I started to realize that people have their own way.

We met in a phase of time during our life paths are crossing. Once it is over, 'WE' are just only a 'was'. So I am coming back here, as I realize this may be the only platform that is safe and sound for me to tell what I think and feel. Recently, my life may have lost some privacy while I am becoming a more private person! It is hard because it does not go coherently. Phew.

So I am looking forward to writing more here, maybe. I really hope to write here more, seriously. InshaAllah!