....بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

"Seandainya aku mati, aku relakan penulisan aku ini menjadi sebuah kenangan aku di dunia ini bersama orang yang aku sayang, bersama pengalaman yang aku lalui, bersama pendapat yang aku kemukakan. Ku abadikan segalanya disini. Inilah perjalanan hidupku. Doakanlah aku tenang disana. Ampunkan segala khilafku semasa aku di dunia yang bersifat sementara ini. Pesanku, teruslah bangun untuk ummah ini...."

Disclaimer: Sebarang 'Copy and Paste' perlu diberitahu terlebih dahulu

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Fast update.

Hey there and Assalamualaikum!

Yes, this is just a fast update.. Using the last minutes staying at home to at least, post a entry. It has been to long since the last update *padahal berapa hari je* haha.

Aku ada banyak benda nak cerita. Banyak sangat. Dan, aku malas nak list out kat sini. Biarlah, aku ingat. *Kot ingat* Anyway, I just have some reminders, for myself, for you and for us.

Okay, listen here.

Memanglah mengikut suruhan Allah tu baik, bagus. Tapi belajar tu bukan ke suruhan Allah jugak? Apa bezanya kalau, kita dok kejar akhirat, sampai dunia kita tinggalkan. Apa yang kita kejar memang betul-betul syurga ja.  "Aku percaya, kalau aku kejar akhirat, insya-allah aku dapat dunia. " Hey guys, look here. Fir logic okay. Macam mana kita nak adapt diri kita dalam dunia zaman sekarang ni, kalau kita tak kejar dunia sama? Come on! Parents kita ada sekarang, tak semestinya nnti masa kita dah nak kahwin nnti dia ada lagi untuk tampung makan minum kita. Pasal tu aku tak kisah sangat. Yang pasal education ni. Kalau kita dok kejar akhirat jaaaaa, sampai belajar pun kita tinggalkan, belajar macam nak tak nak, sikit-sikit ponteng.. Macam mana? Memanglah kita kejar akhirat tu bagus, buat persiapan untuk kita mati nanti, aku respect tu. But, as manusia, kita sendiri pun boleh berfikir, kan.... Kalau tak belajar, macam mana nak berjaya? Islam menyuruh kita menuntut ilmu, sampai ke hembusan nafas kita yang terakhir. Tak kira ilmu apa. Bukannya ilmu agama sahaja. Hurm, aku pun ansihatkan diri aku jugak, cuma sometimes tak tahan dengan orang yang too abvious dengan akhirat sampai homework tak buat, class tak datang, ponteng sekolah... Ini bukan Islam eh. Tolong. *dah lama aku nak luah sebenarnya. Cuma aku pendam ja*

Orang yang kejar dunia pun tak lah bagus sebab tak buat bekalan untuk akhirat.
Orang yang kejar akhirat pun, logik akal, macam mana nak hidup kat dunia without knowledge?
Jadi, orang yang kejar dua-dua dan menyeimabangkan keua-duanya adalah yang terbaik. Kita dapat dua-dua. Tak begitu?

Kalaupun kita belajar, tapi tahap I kita memang sampai situ sahaja, takpe, at least kita dah usaha.. Disamping itu, kita tunaikan semua perintah ALLAH SWT. And I believe, Allah akan balas balik usaha kita, penat lelah untuk berjaya dalam hidup kita, dunia akhirat. I know that. 

Yes, walaupun sekarang ni aku tahu aku pun tengah goyah. Baru nak cari life balik, kena decide perkara-perkara tertentu dengan betul balik, kena sedar apa yang patut aku buat, kena cari jalan macam mana nak buat macam mana yang aku rancangkan... 
But, I always believe that...


Yes. Ingat tau, kita sebagai seorang Dai'e, hamba Allah, anak soleh/solehah, pelajar, kawan... Kita kena pandai seimbangkan diri untuk kejar dunia dan akhirat.

Ingat, human never make perfect things. Beause we are not perfect


Anyway, aku macam biasa, 50:50 nak balik asrama.

Sebab aku suka balik asrama: 
- Aku lebih tahu nak bertanggungjawab
- Aku lebih fokus sebab x tahu dunia luar sangat
-Aku dapat main kat turf!
- Dapat dngar org zikir kat surau.
-Solat jemaah!!! *seriously aku suka*
- Tak payah fikir nak makan apa.


Sebab aku suka balik rumah:
- Banyak facilities, senang hidup, ada tv, washing machine, makanan x payah susah cari.
- Boleh rasa macam aku ni enggangur *gila ke?*
- Boleh tidur lama-lama *kantoi*
- Boleh duduk diam-diam dalam rumah dan nikmati kehidupan. Hahah.
- Boleh hang out dengan kawan!!!

Hah, itu je lah. Hahaha.
Banyak lagi actually. But biasalah semua tu.
Life is nothing without experiences. Okay? Life memanglah kena belajar dan ambil pengalaman. Baru syiokk :D

Hidup kat mana-mana pun boleh ehh.
Well, SERATAS really teach me how to built the 'self-esteem' product.
Yezza. Come on!

We are the leader to our life.
We owned our own life.
We make our own life.
What we do is what our life will be.

Okay. Yeah. Anyway, jemputlah datang ke karnival asrama terbuka SERATAS 2013, pada 15 dan 16 Jun 2013 ni yaw!
Ehem, dorm tak buat lagi kecerian. Mati-mati. Tiap2 malam saty uplah buat keeriaan. Hurr, tak suka gila.

Okay just that.
Fast update aku pun panjang berjela-jela. *hehe*
Dah biasalah. Tak tahu nak pendekkan macam mana.
Teguran dan pesanan yang aku bagi tadi tu, kalau mana-mana hati terasa, sorry tau. Aku takde tuju kat sapa, aku takde perli sapa2, aku takde nak marah-marah ke, just luahan perasaan *heh*.

Minta maaf kalau sapa-sapa yang terasa ke, apa ke..
Maaf atas salah silap selama saya menaip di blog ni, maaf sangat2.
Sebelum saya undur diri, dan mungkin akan kembali 2 bulan dari sekarang *acewah*,
Doakan life aku kembali teratur tau, study aku okay, prestasi hoki aku naik balik..
Doa aku sentiasa mengiring readers sekalian..
Thanks ^.^

Sekian, semoga berjumpa lagi di lain entri...
Assalamualaikum wbth :)

Maaf segala salah silap,
Dengan ini sekian,
Aku undur diri.

Thursday, June 6, 2013


Hai hai there and Assalamualaikum!

Me, you, him, her, they or actually WE have own own day today. We have our own story sequence and order of what have been we go through today. Right? So, this is my story for today!


I just watched a movie that I have uploaded from the youtube, Vanilla Coklat Raya.

Oh, how amazing and so sweet was the movie.
Addicted #

It will be a fairy tale if I was Zara. Hurm :/ I am just wishing a wonderful love story. And yeah. My wish! Phewww.

Okay. Main point for today is... I am disordered. Actually the whole day I was thinking what I should do. Either go back or stay home. I do have training tomorrow, till the holiday end on this weekend. But mom told me not to go back because of no one to send me either. Yes, I pity my dad. If I really want to go back tomorrow, dad must ask for an emergency leave just to send me there. Pheww. I know, this is the chance for me to play. Yes, I love to play more than learn *seriously* Huhu. But the situation now make me speechless and just, follow it. I have try my best to go back there (self-esteem), by bus or train. But mom and dad still can't put a high believe on me to go through those ridiculous things. But if I was given I chance, I will prove them that I can.

Mom said before, "One day the time will come where you need to go through those things. Why you search for trouble when facilities are there to help you?"
And, yeah. Why? Anyway, the decision has made, I will not going back school tomorrow. 
Sooo!! What's next? Erm, nothing. Maybe. Just that to update. About how disorder my day was. Hurm!

So, moral story for today is, well-thinking while doing something important.

And yeah, got to go. I have something to stalk of. Just wait see ya ^-^
I'll share the thing later, Insya-allah.

Asalamualaikum wbth.


Hye there and Assalamualaikum ^.^

Yeah, just had a nice trip to Sabah with the family and it was just nic and the best holiday ever, firt time holiday naik flight, siapa tak suka kan? Hee :D

Actually its not the main point. Pasal holiday tu kalau aku rajin, aku buatlah entri yang lain eh. Heee.

The main point is....

A day in Sabah, when my family was in the room, and I was sitting on a couch and facebook-ing while my mom laying on the bed and watching tv.

Me: Ma, tengah ni, kami tengah usha gambar *crush 5 tahun aku*. Dia silat woo.
Mama: Dah lah Farhan. Lupakan jelah dia. Buat apa tunggu dia, buang masa je. Carilah orang lain...

And I was speechless. I can;t say anything and just continuing with it. But actually I am thinking, how can mom knows that I still love him, and still waiting for him? Erm, that time I was very sure that moms will definitely understand their children. Proved. But the thing is, can I leave him and move on? 

Its a longggg time thinking about this.
. But after that moment, I think what my mom's said is true. I should have left him long ago.

I determined that on the early year of 2012 when I started to enter SERATAS, but I don't know when, I text him again, and I continue the 5 years journey. I know about his gossips in his school, I know much of him. Yes, I am jealous, but why I am still, waiting and waiting him?

Oh Farhan.

Yesterday, I just asked my dear friend, Ain about the moment above. She didn't agree with my mum with some reasons. But I can't understand them much.

Hurm, Syaza! If you read this entry, YOU MUST RECOMMEND ME AN IDEA TO DO. Hurm, Syaza is missing without any news. Yes, I need her badly, my dear motivator, Syaza :(

So, for now. I think that I better leave and forget him.
And I also need to forget my crush in SERATAS.
And have the next crush on the mystery guy.
Yeah, don't know who..
Upss, it is not who but what. Haha.

I wanna have a crush on my imagination guy. Yes :)
Man in Black =P

Haha. Well, I know that for this time being that I should focus on study and my team. 
But why I need the crushes and so on? 

Sometimes I lost the spirit to study and to move.
Sometimes I can't get up when I fall.
So, I inspired them to move on for my studies. They are smart, genius, nice, caring *sangattt -dalam kurungan* and I just want to be like them, a star :)
But then, this is what I get.

Heh, mom always remember me to not have monkey loves in this earlier ages. And the effects is: Aku tak couple ke hape jadah pun sampai sekarang. *siapalah aku kan, tak cun pun! #hakikat.
I know the risks if I have fallen into the bigggggggg waves of monkey love, and I dare I don't want to join those who has broke. Huish.
I know, for the time being, education is the most important thing and I should work for it, not for this.


I know, once I have lost, don't search for anyone, but returns to Allah. I know that, but.. why? Hurm.

Never mind, everybody makes mistakes. You've got the point and don't repeat it again :)

Be strong Farhan!
Allah is always there for you!
Mama and Abah is always loving you!

Dear Farhan, no need to find others love, because they won't really loves you. Love those who loves you, because no matter happens, they will still, loving you :)

Work for study, strive for success, ready to accomplish a big appreciation in your life!

Study + Hockey + Debate + Photography = LIFE :)

Hurm. Long entry is almost done and I hope this is just a starting for me, to move on with MY wolrd of imaginations that I will make it a reality.
May Allah ease,
Assalamualaikum wbth....