....بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

"Seandainya aku mati, aku relakan penulisan aku ini menjadi sebuah kenangan aku di dunia ini bersama orang yang aku sayang, bersama pengalaman yang aku lalui, bersama pendapat yang aku kemukakan. Ku abadikan segalanya disini. Inilah perjalanan hidupku. Doakanlah aku tenang disana. Ampunkan segala khilafku semasa aku di dunia yang bersifat sementara ini. Pesanku, teruslah bangun untuk ummah ini...."

Disclaimer: Sebarang 'Copy and Paste' perlu diberitahu terlebih dahulu

Friday, June 14, 2019

Puisi 2#

Disclaimer: Sebarang 'Copy and Paste' perlu diberitahu terlebih dahulu

All of me.

We walk on the path
that we choose.
Either we are together or alone,
we choose.

We don't have to

listen to people.
We don't have to 
argue with anyone.

Cause at last, 

We are on what we choose.
We take the 
responsibility on what has been chosen.
We don't have to blame no one,

-3 Ramadhan -

Let us begin this entry with English! Yeay! Based on the above poem, I try to deliver to the readers to be responsible on every decision that we have taken. In order to achieve something, I do not deny that we want to have the best, yet, the perfect one, right?

However, Allah said in Quran that “Not everything you feel good for you is the best, and not everything you think that is bad, is bad for you.”

So I think that you guys can understand what does this mean. So regarding this verse too, I would like to share a video that I watched past few days. In that video, it told a story about the tragedy happened on 3rd September in New York City, about the crash of the building. It tells how many people survived the crash as they were not at the office during the crash. Bad things happened to them, making themselves were late to arrive the office.

Some of them shared that because they couldn’t fint their car keys, the taxi didn’t stop, the ankle sprained, the kids woke up late, the boss left an important document, they survived. Thesestories proved to us that sometimes, Allah put bad things into us, was actually to reserve us for something worse.

So if we face bad things or bad luck in our everyday, note to ourselves that maybe Allah is preparing another good thing for us. Just believe and have faith into Him, cause he always and the only one who knows the best for us.

                Despite of every decision, put Him first. As if something we decide does not make us closer to the Creator, so I think that it might be a wrong decision. May Allah always leads us to the best path of this world. Somehow, we just have to seek by making dua to Him. He is listening, and he will grant all those duas on the right time, at the right place. Ameen.


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